Failure on Store Lenangstinden 1625 m
Yesterday Morgan and me did an optimistic try of the mighty westface of Lenangstinden’s central line. We got super impressed by the line but got forced down after the technical difficulties because of extreme snowdrift. Store Lenangstinden west face. The line we attempted goes up the obvious couloir on the right, then goes up the […]
Morgan’s photos from Forholttinden
Here are Morgan Sahlén’s photos from the other day at Forholttinden…
Forholttinden 1469 m – Couloir Valparaiso
Yesterday we went on a big mission on Forholttinden west of Lyngseidet in Lyngen. We drove semi-early from Tromsö in the morning and then approached Forholttinden from the east to be able to film it easily from the other side of the fjord. The target for the day was a beautiful couloir on the looker’s […]
Russetind – A good worm up
Yesterday we went down to Nordkjosbotn to ski a favorite, Russetind, as a warm up for the trip. It has a 1000m plus east face that is a beautiful ski that I skied a couple of years ago. I have always thought it would look awesome on film and as its fairly straightforward we chose […]
Last Thursday I packed the car and made the long drive further north from Luleå to Tromsö together with Ale! I’m really feeling at home in these parts of Scandinavia and it feels great to be here!! Well in Tromsö we met up with the Sahlén brothers and now we are looking forward for a […]
Interview on Swedish Radio
Today I went to the Swedish Radio to make an interview on winning the Adventurer of the Year award. Listen to the interview here (Swedish only)…