A Belated Mountain Summer
After a summer mostly filled with expeditions and travelling I finally got to spend some valuable summer time back home in Chamonix. It has been really good to just rest, train, be with family and friends and do quick mountain missions when it fitted to a relaxed life and weather windows. I’ve been thinking of Swedish rock climber Said Belhaj’s strategy of being home three months straight every year dedicating himself to schematic training to get in shape for another nine months of adventuring the world. I just achieved half of that time now, but it’s probably the way to go for the future, especially when I can put my own schedule and work towards bigger dreams.
All the mountain time lately has been spent doing easy guide routes on classical peaks training for next summers exams. It’s been a great experience doing these easy routes, in good guide style and it has been a really good way of just enjoying the mountains. No stress, not really any fear of… anything, and good time spent with great people among the clouds!
When I’ve been home I have dedicated myself to yoga, climbing and trail running. It’s been a great end to the summer and a good rest for the mind. But when the mind is rested it usually start craving for adventures. One cycle has come to an end and now it’s time for another one to begin.
At the moment I’m on my way to New Zealand for some classic ski mountaineering with friends. Nothing special planned, just good time spent in the mountains in, what I’ve heard and would like to experience for my self, an amazing place.
- Bouldering with Stefan Sporli
- Mark Sears and Ismael Santos at the Breithorn traverse in Switzerland
- The Breithorn traverse
- Italian ice-cream
- Morning yoga in the yard
- A Chamonix mountain morning
- Ale Campos on the “Butterfly arete” , Chamonix
- The most western point in Europe
- Short Lisbon vacation
- Sunset from the italian side of Mt Blanc
- Mark Sears on the Kuffner arete
- Mattias Jonsson on the traverse of Entreve
- Mattias on the south face of Rateau in the Ecrins Massif
- Mattias feeling the exposure
- Friends in our backyard
- Bjarne Salén working on our season edit
- An Indian guru visiting town
- Our backyard
- Stefan Sporli enjoying Italian multi pitch climbing
- Ski testing in Saas Fee with Salomon
- Dri Horlini above Saas Fee with Miles Smart and client
- Sunrise
- Near the top of another 4000er
- Sunrise on the Lion ridge on Matterhorn
- Guillomne Thebaudain on Matterhorn
- And on the top
- Sergio Garcia on the traverse of Les Perrons du Vallorcine
- Chamonix trail running
- Soy and corn pancakes.
- A quick visit to Stockholm
- More mountain running
- Afternoon climbing at Gaillands, Chamonix.
- Schreckhorn
- Ismael Santos near the top
- Mattias Fredriksson at work on Aiguille du Midi
- Winter is in town!
- Packing for yet another adventure