Saturday, April 27th, 2013
An Everyday Mountain Life
The last two weeks has been passing in a normal mountain life pace. When the weather’s been good I’ve been out skiing the steeps and when it’s been snowing I’ve been enjoying the powder. In between that I’ve tried to get back in some kind of climbing shape, hang out with family and friends, celebrated my 30th birthday, spent time at the Salomon office, and practiced tons of yoga.
I used to write about every mountain experience one by one, but now I have come to feel like, how ever special they all where at the time, they still blur in to each other now when I look back at them. The topic for the last two weeks has been to find good and safe skiing without tracks or people and like normally in Cham if you stay fairly creative it’s not too hard to find just that. I leave you with the photos, and even though there is nothing especially difficult about them, they still tell tales of good mountain times with good old and new friends!
On the summit of Aiguille Argentiere with Pete Gaston and Bjarne Salen
Myself taking an alternative entrance into the Barbey couloir (Photo: Bjarne Salen)
Pete Gaston skiing the Barbey
Bjarne Salen high up on Mt Blanc du Tacul
Bjarne Salen about to drop down the backside of the Tacul
Myseld on my way down and around to the Diable couloir
Bjarne following
At the top of the Diable couloir
Bjarne following in amazing conditions
Winter is coming and going at this time of the year
Bjarne enjoying a super powder day at Grand Montets
Heather and Bjarne dressed up for my birthday party
From the first half hour of our party, then i put the camera away…
Daniel Rönnbäck in town
Excellent conditions on Glacier Ronde
At the top of Qui Remue in the Argentiere basin (photo: Arnau Nwk)
The boys at the same time from my angle)
Tyler Cohen skiing
And so am I
Tyler skinning up Col du Chardonnet
Tyler and Bjarne near the top of the Bislex on Dorees
Bjarne skiing some great corn
Tyler and Bjarne
Bjarne skiing back to the Le Tour glacier