Sunday, July 22nd, 2012
Glimpses from week no 3 in Lofoten
The last week have been busy as normal. Guiding and teaching climbing during the daytime and running, climbing, writing and hanging out in the evenings. Time goes fast right now.
Guiding on “Only Blueberries”
In fairly wet conditions
A great team on the wall… The girls were fast!
The fifth pitch on the route, one of the nicest easy crack climbs i know!
I went bouldering two evenings… Here with Martin Fransson in Rörvik
The view from a day of hanging-in-a-rope at Kalle
New route projects with Jonas Jakobsen
The “Eagle ridge” on the last day of the course. We had terrible weather!
A rainbow from a short-roping tour with Ale
A snapshot from a my long run of the week… 30 km in the mountains in pouring rain
But on other days, the reward is nicer