Tuesday, June 12th, 2012
Another day in the mountains snow walking
Yesterday I went up with Morgan Sahlén on Aiguille du Midi to do another day of short-roping and acclimatization. It had been snowing heavy over night and it would have been a perfect day for skiing if we didn’t have to train with the rope. Walking down the ridge there was plenty of snow and our lungs got the work out they were so much longing for.
We started with walking over to Pointe Lachenal and traversed most of it, then walked back almost the same way we came from and then traversed arête Lawrence and finished of with another arête des Cosmiques.
It was another good day up high, and on the way back on the lift we got served one of the most peculiar comments I have heard from someone working in a service profession. One of the lifties (who are usually awesome) on Aiguille du Midi explained why we had to wait forty minutes for the next bin. “Well, the directors make all the money, and we don’t earn more if we help you go down – so we won’t”.
Now it´s time for two rest days before the next guide course is starting.
Wolfgang Huber and Eva Eskilsson tracking the wild snow ridge down from Aiguille du Midi
Morgan Sahlén, my rope partner for the day
HK, CH and Tobias all class mates on the guides course, also out training
Morgan following our own variation on Lachenal
The weather was adventurous
We met gangsta mountain guides Jeff Banks and Stefan Sporly on the ridge
Aiguille du Midi seen from the Lawrence ridge
Wolfie and Eva
CH lowering HK
Morgan, done for the day