

‘Every morn and every night, some are born to sweet delight’


I feel at home in the north. Midnight on Ristaćokka, Hunddalen, Norway last week.


Back on the Chamonix rock after weeks in ski boots. Stephan Sporli leads away on the third pitch of Barburine on the French/Swiss border.


10:00 pm in Hunddalen, Norway a few days ago. @eliashendrson slaying some turns under the midnight sun down Gahpercokka on the ISIA off piste course that I just held in the north. We experienced every kind of condition during our days away from civilization: stellar magic like this photo, extreme wind, snow, rain and zero visibility. But as the goal was to go out there “and breath the mountains”, I think we had pretty amazing conditions. Thanks to the whole crew for great attitude and energy and congratulations to completing your last chapter on the road of becoming fully certified Swedish Ski instructors! My time in the north has come to an end and now I’m looking forward to a couple of months in the Alps! Special thanks to @heliskiguidessweden, our pilot last week Emil Sundberg, @edwardbekker as well as Dick and Mina at #abiskomountainlodge for the great hospitality!


The midnight sun of the north.


Sildviksränna skied well today. Perfect way to end the course! @eliashendrson enjoying some wintery turns in a great ambiance!


Early morning ski tour on Sildvikstind, Norway. Last summit of the ISIA off piste course is only meters away.