Snapshots from another good week in Lofoten
This last week has been filled with work at Nord Norsk Klattreskole at daytime and climbing in the evenings. The next three weeks will follow like this one with cool people and climbing in a beautiful setting around Henningsvaer, Lofoten, Norway. Climbing instruction in a quiet cool location The classic; Svolvaergeita High above Svolvaer When […]
Snapshots from another week in Lofoten
Last week has been filled with work at Nord Norsk Klatreskole at daytime and climbing in the evenings. The next three weeks will follow like this one with cool people and climbing in a beautiful setting around Henningsvaer, Lofoten, Norway.
Snapshots from another good week in Lofoten
Last week has been filled with work at Nord Norsk Klattreskole at daytime and climbing in the evenings. The next three weeks will follow like this one with cool people and climbing in a beautiful setting around Henningsvaer, Lofoten, Norway.
Embracing life – Why I got in to social media!
I have always been a person that’s taking that which I do to it´s very end. Starting a Facebook- and Twitter page in the last few days have been a big step for me. I felt the same thing when I started my blog about one and a half years ago. For years I used […]
My dad on how to not get sick!
My dad has the best health of anyone I know. He is simply never sick and has never in his whole career had a sick leave from work. He has plenty of theories about everything between heaven and earth and of course he has his own remedy on how not to get sick. There is […]
On the move
Yesterday I got back from a good week in Whistler with Mike Douglas and the Switchback Entertainment crew. I had a really good time with Mike and his family with lots of work for the upcoming movie project, skiing, running, biking and sightseeing. Now I’m back in Luleå for one day and tomorrow we are […]