Friday, August 24th, 2012
Going South
Even though the summer still is serving up with warm weather in the north, one can definitely feel the smell of autumn on its way. After one day of rest in Luleå after the
Kebnekaise trip I got one day of packing mixed up with bouldering, packing and changing to winter tires before we started the long drive south for the winter. I definitely often feel with like the birds, changing location with the seasons… First stop is Stockholm for some time with friends and family as well as a day at the Haglöfs headquarters.
There is always time for a boulder session at Brändön
One of my favorites, a small 6c overhang. It´s easy – if you just get of the ground
Changing to winter tires in august definitely gave me some comments from the neighbors
The devil is in the detail says the old proverb, I got to get the skis in shape
Ale and myself on the drive Luleå – Sthlm (900+ km)