Thursday, June 7th, 2012
Film work in Luleå
The last few days good friend
Bjarne Sahlén has been around at my parents’ home in Luleå to finish the audio for the film about our South America adventure last autumn. After 164 takes Bjarne was happy. It was good to have him around, but it´s really demanding working with audio for films…
Bjarne in our high tech studio – might look like amateurs, but hey, wait for the result!
Below are the five episodes that are going to be taken down to one. I think it´s looking really good and Bjarne is doing an amazing job. Lots of new material is added, and much more time is put in to the editing. Remember that the episodes where done in hotel-rooms in Riobamba, Huaraz, La Paz, Mendoza and Santiago under time pressure and stress. Now the full movie will be made under normal circumstances and with time for reflection. The result will be worth waiting for!