Sunday, February 5th, 2012
The best day of the season so far…
Yesterday JP Auclair arrived and we will work on some Chamonix episodes. We are not trying to make something extreme, its more about getting good days out and trying to show the Chamonix feel to anyone interested. So today we went out and did a few runs at Brevent in the morning and then we went over to Midi for a run down Glacier Ronde. It was a beautiful day and the skiing and the company was simply awesome. JP said it was his best day in Cham – ever… And for me it was definitely the best one so far this season!
JP rappin
Bjarne cruising couloirs with a camera on his chest
JP comfortable on the steeps
JP charging
Myself with an icy beard…
JP on the Glacier Ronde
And again in a big snow cloud
Bjarne in the exit
Bjarne and JP doing some glacier route finding
Aiguille du Midi