Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011
Happy days in north Sweden
I just got back from a week in the north of Sweden where we have one of the best winters in years. I spent the time in great company, training, walking, running, ski touring and ice climbing in the part of my country that feels most like home – the area in between Abisko and Riksgränsen.
Together with friends Patrik Strömsten and Andreas Bengtsson I went out on a ski touring day on the Norvegian side of the border for some easy skitouring. We had big plans skiing a mythic couloir, but the stormy weather made us change our plans to the classic Rombakkstötta. However, when we got over the tree line we just kept getting thrown of balance by the wind to the point where we all where just looking at each other nodding at the option of turning back down. It turned out beening a calm day in good company among friends.
Patrik Strömsten is a soulskiier, one of Swedens best wine experts as well as the man in charge of the n1 skilodge in Sweden – Meteorologen skilodge in Riksgränsen. If you want to live, eat and hang out firstclass as well as enjoying mythic skiing with or without helicopter in the most northern skiresort in the world – check out
Andreas Bengtsson is a mountainguide and in charge of the heliski operation in Riksgränsen as well as founder of, check it out if you are interested in good skiing and mountain adventures!
And for info about the ski resorts in this area, check:
A walk on the lake, Lapporten in the background
The calm village of Björkliden with the skiresort in the background
Ice climbing in the gorge
Rombakkstötta, one of the most classic peaks in the area