Safe Passions
Safe Passions aims to bring awareness of safety in the mountains to youths and young adults.
FREESKI/SAFETY CAMP in Chamonix winter 2017 CLOSED for applications!
Good news! The posters are available again.
Sandra who’s Andreas little sister and the founder of the organisation Safe Passions has donated a poster to the org. The poster is now available to purchase at: The poster cost 350 SEK (exclusive shipping cost). All the funds will go directly to Safe Passions and its shipped all over the world.
She has done this artwork from her perspective of Andreas life path. Its called:
POSTER: “From darkness into the light…”

Heres the poster, you can buy it on:
Andreas was an amazing son, brother and friend. He loved the mountains more than anything. His passion, humbleness and curiosity for the mountains made him pursue adventures where he pushed the limits and searched for more knowledge.
Safety and awareness was really important to him, as well as not taking any unnecessary risks.
Safe Passions aims to bring awareness of safety in the mountains to youths and young adults. We have started Safe Passions as a non-profit organization in honour of Andreas’ passion for the mountains.
Being out in the mountains is so much more than just being a good skier or climber. You need to know how to handle the weather and conditions in order to make smart decisions.
Andreas was grateful for all the help he received from those more experienced than him when he was first starting out as an alpinist. Andreas talked so many times about how he wanted to give back his knowledge about the mountains, and planned to do so when he completed his training to become a Mountain Guide.
We would love this fund to be a platform where ideas and knowledge can openly be discussed and where the money can help raise awareness for mountain loving youths and young adults.
Safe Passions is a non-profit organization where all funds will go to help increase the awareness and knowledge about safety in the mountains to youth and young adults who do not always have the means or possibilities to acquire this in the extent they would like.
Our objective is to provide a good way for passionate young people to be able to learn about the mountains so that they are able to make good and safe decisions when in them.
If you want to Help/Contact
Thank you for wanting to support and help us with the fund.
If you have any ideas or questions you can always contact us via email:
All donations are welcomed, and if you and/or your company want to collaborate with Safe Passions, contact us via:
Do you have ideas or want to help us? First of all thank you, that means so much! Write to us in our contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Or buy a poster or bid on the ski..
Sandra Fransson
Executive Director/ Chairman
Carola Fransson
To donate money:
Bank: Swedbank
Bankgiro: 582-1384
IBAN: SE8080000820169445343826
ORG. NR: 802 494 -5217
Swish number: 123 219 95 86
Thank you Bjarne Salen!
Here’s the tribute movie that filmmaker and friend Bjarne Salén has made for Andreas and JP Auclair. It you have a few minutes to spare, check this out:
Title: Apogée- The highest point in the developing of something